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Dell has had to change its "contact” with consumers. What effect do you believe this type of change in their direct marketing mantra is having on Dell's business? Must other direct marketers make the change?

Dell(r) Computers has begun setting up kiosks demonstrating their products in regional malls across the country. They are also selling their computers in Wal-Mart stores, Best Buy, and other U.S. retailers. Dell will soon be selling through retailers in China. Consumers are no longer directed to their web site to place an order. Obviously, Dell has had to change its "contact” with consumers. What effect do you believe this type of change in their direct marketing mantra is having on Dell's business? Must other direct marketers make the change?

In the face of the internet revolution, market communications today increasingly occur through the digital medium. Company must as not only, how should we reach customers? But also, how should our customers reach us? And how can our customers reach each other?  It is become essential part that the company should move from mass communication to more targeted segments and two -ways communication with new technologies. Today, many marketers started to build long-term relationships with customers along with broad reach. The companies are implementing direct marketing for marketing effectiveness. It is the use of customer-direct channels to reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using marketing middlemen. Today consumers get goods with home delivery service by booking through online, email, telephone etc. It helps to increase the customer reach.

Direct Marketers can use number of channels to reach individuals prospects and customers such as direct mail, catalog marketing, telemarketing, interactive TV, kiosks, websites and mobile devices. Dell computers are selling its products in Wal-Mart stores, best Buy and other U.S retailers and also planning to sell at Chinese market. Customers are no longer directed to their web site to place an order. Customer can now purchase in wide retail market and also use other medium to buy such as direct mail, mobile devices, telemarketing and so on. This will help to reach wide group of customers.

Direct Marketing has been fast growing avenue for serving customers, partly in response to the high and increasing costs of reaching business markets through a sales force. Direct marketing help to cut the margin of the distribution channels or intermediaries and pass this profit margin to the customers. As we know that custom charges are very high and cut down of middle-men such as wholesaler, retailers, distributors etc. It improves customization and increase profit margin for the company which will be benefited both to the firm and the customers. The additional benefit is that the company can offer competitive price with high quality brand as the other rival companies are offering. It encourages the companies to give the products which customers exactly need. Dell has implemented such changes to be increase the visibility in the market and capture more market share.

Yes, the other direct marketers must make the change. They do not have any other option beside this because customers want fast service, good quality product at low cost. The customers become more aware with the competition among the product, price, quality, service. They do not have patience and move the way where they get better quality product with low cost and fast service. Direct marketers can use direct marketing tools such as direct mails, contact programs, events and SMS campaigns for prospecting customers. Market demassification has resulted in an ever-increasing number of market niches. Customers short of time and tired of traffic and parking headaches appreciate toll free phone numbers, always open web sites, next day delivery and direct marketers' commitment to customer services enhances the business effectively.

Successful direct marketers view a customer interaction as an opportunity to up-sell, cross el or just deepen the relationship with the customers. These marketers make sure they know enough about their each and every consumer to customize and personalize offers and messages and helped to develop a plan for lifetime marketing to each valuable customers based on their knowledge of life events and transitions.


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